REMINDER: The Mass of Jubilation is this Sunday, May 19th, at 10am.
There will be no 9AM or 11AM Masses on Pentecost Sunday.

December 12, 2021

Our Advent and Adventure of preparing for Christmas and being pilgrims in grace continues. This third week of Advent challenges us with the same question of preparation asked of John the Baptist in this week’s Gospel: “What should we do? What should we do to prepare for the coming of Christ our savior?

Holy Family Catholic Academy children offered some answers during Mass this past week.  They said that preparing means to fill in the valleys of our lives with respect, kindness and thinking before we act. The Gospel story tells us that the crowds asked Jesus, tax collectors asked him, soldiers asked him. All of this was, and is, in preparation for one mightier than John the Baptist, who used water to ritualize a sincere commitment to change behavior. This was done in order to welcome the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.  A further reflection on our part might be to ask:

What does it mean to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?

Adventures in Grace: a pilgrimage

One palpable sign of being baptized in the Holy Spirit is Joy. I hope you’re all filled with the joy and anticipation that the onset of Advent brings. And Advent is truly an “Adventure in Joy” in preparation for Christmas.

If you missed last weekend’s Masses or the recently held Adventures in Grace: a pilgrimage Wednesday night Rest Stop, we hope you’ll take some time out from shopping, decorating, baking and the busyness of the season to do some reflecting. You can catch up, view the sessions on our website and explore our series of “Trail Mix” inspirations, reminders and exercises to try out individually and with those you love. You can also register for the program at any time. It’s all free, and all are welcome. Come visit us at: and please continue to share and invite others. And don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next Adventures in Grace: a pilgrimage events coming up on January 9th and 12th.

If you haven’t already, we also hope you’ll consider engaging with a “GiG” (Gatherings in Grace) small discussion group. These are additional forums and opportunities for exploring and deepening your faith, within a welcoming, supportive small group setting with others looking to do the same. You can find more information on the website, or reach out to any Holy Family staff member.

As the season moves forward, we encourage everyone to look for, recognize, appreciate and share how grace is ever present in our lives, every day, every minute – especially in the busy activities we immerse ourselves in while preparing for Christmas. Yes, grace is always there. You just have to learn how to recognize it. And that’s what our Adventures in Grace: a pilgrimage is all about.

All Parish Reconciliation this Wednesday, December 15

In the spirit of preparation that John the Baptist calls all of us to, we are offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation this coming Wednesday at 7:00pm.  Just a point of clarification – this will be a very prayerful evening encouraging you to reflect and to offer to God anything that you may need forgiveness for. It will include a group examination of conscience and individual confession and absolution.

Two Reminders

•  Mass starts with announcements. Each weekend Mass begins with sharing pertinent information about our community. This is the real start of Mass and I encourage all of you to arrive on time and become more informed as a way of deepening your prayer at Mass.

•  Blood Drive – Our Knights of Columbus are hosting a Blood Drive next Sunday, December 19 from 8:00am -1:00pm in the Vitalant bloodmobile in the parking lot.

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