Teen Ministry Activites


As Kairos Retreat Alumni, we try to live out each day of our lives as the “4thday” of the retreat – intentionally for God and with the spirit of all we learned in our hearts. Because we understand the day-to-day strains of living as a Christian Leader in today’s world, we gather once a month in support of each other and our unified goal of “living the 4th.” Join us for shared witness, prayer, conversation, camaraderie, understanding, encouragement, and renewal.


When: 2 Sundays a month, Sep 2022 – Apr 2023, 5:00-7:00pm
Who: High School Juniors & Seniors
Where: Holy Family

Peer Ministry involves high school Juniors & Seniors who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and choose to serve, lead and support their younger peers as they grow in their faith. Peer Ministers assist in small groups with Ignite and FLAME, assist with Family Faith classes, and facilitate any planned Teen Masses (dates TBD). Peers can also serve as Eucharistic Ministers with additional training. Teens must apply to be a Peer Minister and training and retreat dates will be given.

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