
The Time is Now to Extend Mercy

pope-francis-mercy-quote-1“If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”  This is the last line from our Gospel passage from Luke this weekend. It concludes the story about the rich man and poor Lazarus who lay in front of his door covered with sores.  In this life, the rich man dined sumptuously and dressed in fine clothes, while Lazarus was tormented.  After they both died, Lazarus rested in heaven in the comforting embrace of Abraham, and the rich man was tormented in the nether world. The rich man pleaded with Abraham to send Lazarus to comfort him with just a little water.  Abraham reminded him that he did not attend to Lazarus’ needs during their time on earth.  Realizing his lack of mercy he pleaded with Abraham to send Lazarus or someone to his five brothers who are lacking mercy for others on earth. “But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent,”  he pleaded.

Abraham’s insight is a powerful preview of the Resurrection of Jesus and the command to be people of mercy. It underscores the importance of connecting earthly behavior with a time beyond what we know and what we can’t even comprehend.  Which time is longer?  The time is now to extend mercy!  The time is now to look for those in need!  The time to heed the message of compassion, assistance, help, service and mercy from the only one who has risen from the dead is NOW!  The people who need our help are at our door.  Let’s look for them.

We welcome several newcomers to our staff.  Deacon Dennis Brown is helping us here at Holy Family with Baptismal preparation, Baptisms, adult spirituality presentations and some other sacramental needs.  Dennis and his wife Marge have been present for several weekend liturgies already.  Dennis has a part time assignment at Catholic Charities and he and Marge live in Buffalo Grove.  We also welcome two teens, Jack Rosenwinkel and Cynthia May to our part time front office staff.  Bob Beck, Steve Wolski and Mark Rolfe are the newest members of our Maintenance Staff.  We also welcome several new teachers and staff in our Academy, so please give all of our newcomers a warm Holy Family welcome when you see them.

The last Sunday of September has been designated ‘Social Media Sunday’ an idea initiated by an Episcopal Church in Connecticut in 2013.  It has since been adopted by churches of almost every denomination around the world because so many, including us here at Holy Family realize how significant social media has become in sharing information, catechizing, evangelizing and inspiring.  Please consider using the various social media platforms to connect with, learn and stay informed about our ongoing mission here at Holy Family, but most importantly, to reach out and share your faith with others.

We welcome some of the Little Sisters of the Poor next weekend to share the compassionate ministry to the elderly that they carry out at St. Joseph Home for the Elderly in nearby Palatine.  Holy Family has partnered with St. Joseph’s home for many years and, in addition, so many of you also assist in their care for elderly members of our community and beyond who have found a home with them.

I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to the many who worked so hard to make our Fall Fest this weekend very successful.  Many volunteers collaborated with our staff to make both Friday and Saturday’s events fun and tasty. Thanks to several neighboring restaurants that provided delicious food for Friday’s Hops on the Vine.  The best way to thank them is to patronize them.  Also thanks to Garfield’s in Palatine who are sponsored and partnered with us in providing the beer and wine for tasting and to Town and Country Distributors in Itasca who provided the beer for sale.  Many of our teens helped staff members in supervising younger kids so that parents and other adults could enjoy the food, beverages and entertainment featuring the Chicago Experience on Saturday.

Good Shepherd Hospital is hosting the first Mental Health Fair on Saturday, November 5, from 9:00am-12:30pm.  The event features presenters and information sharing regarding a variety of mental health issues.  It promises to be informational and very helpful.

Our Family and Teen Faith ministering community is hosting a storyteller on Sunday, October 30, following the 4:00pm Mass. He will share some scary stories just in time for Halloween.  Come and listen.

Our recent Volunteer and Ministry Fair has been instrumental in engaging many new people in service to our community and beyond.  Thanks to those of you who signed up, and thanks to those of you who asked others to sign up.  Several of you offered to share your talents as a catechist, but we are still in need of one more in grade 5.  Please contact the faith office or encourage someone else who has a desire to teach to do so.

Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 26 at 7:00pm for an Evening of Taize prayer for all elected officials and those to be elected in early November. Taize is a meditative, participative, calming and reflective form of prayer.  Please come and bring a friend.

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